Custom Taxonomies


The name (s) of the taxonomy can be a string as we can see in Example 1 or an array as in Example 2. Onyx will automatically extract slug, labels, options if they are not provided as well as try to apply plural to the necessary labels.


If not provided, the parameter slug will be used to create the post type and it is the one that should be used for queries and relationships. By default, slug is extracted from the value name transformed to the plural.

Ex: 'Custom Product' plural will be 'Custom Products' and slug 'custom-products'.

name(s)string/arrayTaxonomy name
typesarrayRelated Post Types
optionsarrayArguments for operation
labelsarrayCustom labels

For options on labels and options, visit the WordPress documentation register_taxonomy()


When adding parameters like labels or options, you do not need to include all options. Only the parameters you determine will be replaced in the model.

Creating a Taxonomy

Using this method, you don't need to instantiate the \Onyx\Taxonomy() class.

| Genre Taxonomy (example 1)
'types' => [ 'my-custom-post-type' ],
| Products Taxonomy (example 2)
'names' => [
'name' => 'Product',
'plural' => 'Products',
'slug' => 'products',
'types' => [ 'post', 'my-custom-post-type' ],
'options' => [
'show_in_rest' => true,
'hierarchical' => false, // like tags
'labels' => [
'add_new_item' => __('Add new Product', 'onyx-theme'),

Instantiating a Taxonomy

In addition to being able to create a taxonomy using the register in the ./core/config/taxonomies.php file, you can instantiate an object and manually create its Taxonomy using the class \Onyx\Taxonomy

$tax = new \Onyx\Taxonomy();
// assign taxonomy names
'name' => 'Product',
'plural' => 'Products',
'slug' => 'product',
// assign taxonomy arguments
'show_in_rest' => true,
// register to post types
$tax->post_types( [ 'post', 'my-custom-post-type'] );
// register taxonomy